Choose Your Own Adventure Workshop

The Teaching and Learning Commons (TLC) at the Naval Postgraduate School frequently hosted workshops and webinars. This one was themed around the classic Choose Your Own Adventure novels.

The workshop focused on incorporating choose-your-own-adventure style activities in teaching and learning to improve relevancy to a wide variety of students. These activities allowed students to choose between working a pre-class exercise in a Naval setting or an international defense setting. This self-customization of learning topics allowed students to focus on content that was most interesting and relevant to them, and also led to more efficient use of in-class time.

My role in the development of this workshop was simple: create a simulated Choose Your Own Adventure book cover. The workshop host requested that it use the details of the workshop as the title and byline.


The font used in the book covers is a very recognizable one: ITC Benguiat. I had a bit of a dilemma with the text when typesetting it, though. Sentence case or Title Case is easier to read than all capital letters, especially with ITC Benguiat and minimal spacing between letters and lines. In the end, I chose to preserve the original character of the book covers with the classic formatting.


I browsed several stock libraries until I found something with the same visual character as the original illustrated inset images. Divergent paths fit the workshop’s theme perfectly; I only had to change the lettering on the road signs. To match the terminology used by the workshop’s host, I named the paths Alpha and Beta, using lowercase Greek letters to identify them.