

All portfolio pieces

  • Symptom Tracker Template

    Symptom Tracker Template

    During the summer of 2022, I developed this symptom tracker template while participating in an early-stage health study. The study involved wearing a Fitbit Charge 5 24/7 to collect various metrics including heart rate and blood oxygen levels. Why I…

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  • Neatenize


    Neatenize is a simple, easy-to-use checklist website to help you reorganize, tidy up, and clean out. It’s loosely based on the Konmari method, which sorts items by category instead of room. While it’s a very thorough list, it’s not exhaustive;…

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  • About TLC Flyer

    About TLC Flyer

    I created this About TLC flyer for the Teaching and Learning Commons (TLC) at the Naval Postgraduate School to help advertise their services and resources. The TLC was a multi-team collaboration between the Dudley Knox Library, the on-campus IT services, and…

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  • Choose Your Own Adventure Workshop

    Choose Your Own Adventure Workshop

    The Teaching and Learning Commons (TLC) at the Naval Postgraduate School frequently hosted workshops and webinars. This one was themed around the classic Choose Your Own Adventure novels. The workshop focused on incorporating choose-your-own-adventure style activities in teaching and learning to improve…

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  • Waypoint


    Waypoint is a web-based application designed to help you track progress toward goals for a virtual or real-world distance challenge. Virtual distance challenges take several forms. One of the most popular, the format used by The Conqueror Challenge, gives you…

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