

All portfolio pieces

  • Allie


    This filament painting of Allie posed a unique challenge, with the perspective of the photograph and her coloring. I would have loved to get the pinks of her nose and her vibrant blue eyes into the painting, but I work…

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  • Max


    The picture of Max supplied by his owner had quite a lot in the background that I chose to remove. The couch cushions could have worked, but I felt they were too distracting when I previewed the 3D print file…

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  • Tank


    Full disclosure: Tank is one of my own cats. He’s a big cat, hence the name, and he’s full of purrsonality and charm. He’s also playful and affectionate with those he deems worthy of his attention. Just be careful when…

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  • Resol’nare Pendant

    Resol’nare Pendant

    Education and armor,Self-defense, our Tribe,Our language and our leader,This keeps us alive. –Resol’nare Rhyme I lovingly designed the Resol’nare pendant in tribute to Star Wars and the complex, intriguing Mandalorian culture created for it. The lettering and the shape of…

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  • NPS Online

    NPS Online

    In late 2022, the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs at the Naval Postgraduate School tasked my team with building an online learning portal for NPS. This effort involved several different areas: The first component we worked on was mine: the…

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